Using OmniHTTPd on a Dialup PPP Connection

This reference is for users that want to run OmniHTTPd over a dialup connection. The most reliable method is to use the PPP protocol with the dialup built into the Win95 system.

    Step 1: Setup your PPP connection with your ISP
    This is beyond the scope of this documentation.

    Step 2: Install OmniHTTPd
    Install the software on to the computer. When prompted for a site address, type in or localhost.

    Step 3: Perform Loopback Test
    Load the server software by clicking on the OmniHTTPd icon. The server should start and an icon should appear in your system tray. If the server gives you error message, check the server properties by clicking Properties under the Admin menu.

    When the server loads properly, load up your favorite browser and point it to This is your loopback address and simply points to your machine. You do not have to be connected to use the loopback address. If the dialup prompt comes up, simply cancel dialing.

    Verify that the server is working correctly. If this is a new installation, you should see an auto-index of documents.

    Step 4: Resolve your IP
    If you know that your ISP has assigned you a static IP address, then go into the server properties and put in this address under Site Address. In this case, you are finished.

    On the other hand, if you do not have a static IP or unsure about your IP address, you will have to find it. Other users on the internet can only access your machine through its proper IP address. You cannot arbitrarily assign an IP or name to your server; you cannot simply put in and expect it to work!

    If your ISP is like most others, then you have a dynamic IP address; your ISP assigns you an IP address every time your connect. You do not have a pre-determined address so your IP address changes every time you dial in. Hence the term dynamic IP. The main problem with this is that the server must know your IP address in order to perform certain tasks correctly.

    The preferred method of finding your address is using the bounce method. The bounce method works by connecting to any internet site and capturing the your IP off of the connect data. This method is the most accurate way to determine your IP address. The internet site that you choose to connect to is your bounce site. Good choices for bounce sites are sites that respond quickly and that are always available. (i.e., port 80)

    Step 5: Register with a DWR server
    Omnicron is currently developing a DWR server that will allow the resolution of dynamic web sites. More info will be available in the near future.

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